Study abroad trips

Why study abroad?

usa blog 1

There are many reasons to do a study abroad program. We all know the advantages: broadening your horizons, exploring a new culture and way of life, becoming more open to people from all sorts of cultural and ethnic backgrounds. It sounds great on paper. In reality – it’s also pretty much one of the most amazing things in life. Still, not everyone is convinced that traveling abroad and living there for a while are so great. Every day I see people on Facebook upload hundreds of photos from far-away lands. Great, you travel. Good for you. Tourism is economically a very important thing. So is having a holiday once in a while. But why not take your trips abroad to the next level? Study abroad programs allow students precisely this! And not only students can take advantage of such programs. People of all ages can go abroad on, for example, a short language-learning experience (I have my eyes set on you, Sweden).

In 2013, as a student of British and American studies at my sweet Dresden University, I participated in a study abroad trip with a partner institution in Nashville – Belmont University. It was a very unique program – no classes, just some research which had to be done by talking to random students. Basically, the program consisted of 2 weeks of living in student dorms, hanging out with American students, cheering for the basketball team (Go Bruins!) and getting to know the area. It was a very relaxed program. The time spent in Nashville felt almost like a vacation but at the same time we were also quite immersed in student life.

In a series of blog posts I will sketch my experience in the US. I will try to be self-reflexive and focus on what this study abroad program taught me. Hopefully, I can inspire those of you skeptical of visiting distant lands for a study trip to give it a go!

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